E-Commerce Website

Design & Development

Taking the industry by storm, Kaló seltzer is the latest beverage to hit the CBD hemp space. NJ Tech Team was hired to direct the User Experience design and develop their e-commerce website allowing their B2C & B2B customers to place their orders online.

User Experience

Collection & Product Pages

When it came to how their website was to operate, ease of ordering was at the top of Kaló's priority list. By integrating "Add to Cart" buttons across every area of the website, users were easily able to checkout without a multitude of clicks.

This also included setting up standard collection and product pages to streamline the information architecture and experience for their customers to find what they were looking for faster.



Retail Map & Recipes

Kaló wasn't just available online, it was also available in stores. With this in mind, we integrated an interactive map that allowed their customers to find brick and mortar shops in their surrounding neighborhoods.

In addition, while customers could enjoy a Kaló fresh out the can, Kaló's team also had a variety of cocktail and mocktail recipes for their users to try out at home. By creating a page that easily allowed customers to recreate these recipes, we elevated their consumers experience in ways that their competitors lacked.



Wholesale UX Flow

Kaló wasn't just available for B2C users. It was also available to B2B consumers as well. NJ Tech Team implemented a custom form that allowed businesses to apply for a wholesale account, and when granted with one, businesses were then setup with a customized consumer account that when logged into brought them to a private wholesale page for a streamlined ordering experience.


Lead Generation

Mobile First Design

It's no secret that the food & beverage industry is one of the toughest markets to break into. NJ Tech Team was also hired to provide their Digital Advertising services in combination with building a custom lead generation page to target new customers. Doing so allowed us to capture the contact information of these users by enticing them with a first-time customer promotional incentive.

When it came to this custom landing page, NJ Tech Team designed and developed it with a mobile-first approach given 75%+ of Kalo's target audience was accessing their website from mobile devices instead of desktop computers.